So you have taken some meat or poultry out of the freezer and realise that you don’t actually need to use it yet. The product has fully thawed out and you are now left wondering whether it is safe to put it back into the freezer, or whether you need to go ahead and cook it. So is it safe to refreeze raw meat and poultry that has thawed? Yes, raw meat and poultry is safe to refreeze after thawing, provided it has been defrosted in the refrigerator. However, if the meat or poultry has been out of refrigeration for longer than two hours, then it will NOT be safe…
Chicken Smells – Is It Safe To Eat Or Has It Gone Bad?
Chicken is probably the most often eaten meat around the world today. With the leaness of the breast and the versatility of the meat, it is consumed in vast quatities around the globe. One down side to chicken is that it can spoil much quicker than other types of meat, and people are never quite sure just how fresh their meat is, or whether the smell that it is giving off means it has gone bad. So if chicken smells, does it mean it has gone bad? Fresh chicken will always have a slight odor to it, even when it is at its freshest, however it will not be an…
Is “Out of Date” Meat Safe To Eat?
Food labelling can be a confusing issue for consumers, and a costly affair, if perfectly good food is being thrown away for the wrong reasons. So is meat past its expiration date still safe to eat? Meat labelled with a ‘Use By’ date should not be eaten beyond the listed date. Products labelled with a ‘Sell By’, ‘Display Until’, or a ‘Best Before’ date, will still have a useable life after the listed date. We will look at how you can decide whether your expired meat is actually still safe to be eaten, or if it would be better to throw it away. “The average American family of four throws…
The Reason Raw Chicken Spoils Quicker Than Other Meats
You have probably noticed that when you buy fresh raw chicken, whether it be pieces or whole birds, that it has a shorter shelf life than other meats. So why does chicken spoil quicker than other raw meats? Chickens live with certain bacterial pathogens within thier system such as Campylobacter, Salmonella and E-Coli. These pathogens stay within the bird after it has been slaughtered and processed for sale. It is partly down to these bacteria that causes the raw chicken to go bad more quickly than other meats such as beef, pork & lamb. We will now look at what you should do to help extend the shelf life of…
Chlorinated Chicken – If It’s Safe, Why Are The UK Saying NO?
With the United Kingdom leaving the European Union, they are looking to strike up trade deals with other nations around the world. One of these nations is the United Sates of America. Part of the discussions have centred around the USA saying that the UK will need to allow imports of chlorinated treated chickens as part of any agreement, however the UK are not keen on allowing these into their supermarkets and grocery stores. Why is the United Kingdom Against Allowing Chlorinated Chicken Into Their Country? In 1997 the UK, and indeed all EU State Members banned the use of chemical washes of poultry, and any chemically washed imports, in…
Vacuum Sealed Meat Smells Bad When Opened – Is It Safe To Eat?
Much of the meat sold in grocery stores today has been vaccum packed. This not only protects the meat from contaminents, but also provides a longer shelf life to the product. However, upon opening the vacuum sealed meat it can often have an unusual smell. This smell may be absolutely normal, or the meat may be spoiled. Let’s examine how you tell the difference, Why does vacuum sealed meat smell strange once opened? Vacuum packed meat is sealed in a pouch that has had the oxygen removed. The natural juices within the meat can start to discolor and develop a tangy odor during storage. This odor is released when the…
Medium Rare Cooked Pork is Safe to Eat & Recommended – Here’s Why!
Many people are not aware that it is now safe to eat certain cuts of pork medium rare or 'pink'. This article explains the advantages of cooking your pork this way, and why it is now the recommended way of doing so.
Blade or Mechanically Tenderized Meat – What is it and is it Safe?
Mechanically tenderized meat is becomming more common in our stores. Whilst it may be tempting to choose meat that should be guaranteed more tender, there are some risks to health if the meat is not cooked properly. Here we outline the benefits and drawbacks of eating mechanically tenderized meat.
Cross Contamination – What It Is and How To Prevent It
Cross contamination is a major factor in the contribution to food borne illness also known as food poisoning. Taking steps to minimise or eliminate cross contamination within your kitchen will dramatically reduce the chances of you, or someone you serve food to, getting ill. So what is Cross Contamination? Cross contamination is the term used to decribe the transfer of harmful bacteria, toxins or allergens from one surface to another. By inadveretently spreading the bacteria, toxins or allergens, you may infect ready to eat foods, increasing the risk of food poisoning or allergic reactions to anyone who eats it. Anyone who cooks food for other people, whether it be a…