If you have decided that you would like to buy your meat from an independent butcher shop, meat market or farm shop, then you may we wondering what attributes make a good one to use. In this article we are going to talk about the different things that you should be looking at when deciding if the butcher is worthy of your custom, or if you should avoid and move on to the next. So how do you choose a good butcher? A good butcher will provide a clean store with an appealing display. The butcher will be knowledgeable about the meats they are selling, and will source from local…
The Advantages Of Using A Butcher If You Love Eating Meat
There are many advantages to using a butcher over buying meat from the grocery store, and this article will go over them for you. If you fit into any of the types of people listed below, then this article is a ‘must read’ for you as it will explain all the benefits of getting to know your local butcher, and how your meat eating experience can be taken to another level. So are you:- If you relate to any of these types of people, or something close, then you may get some benefit from reading this article if you don’t already use a local butcher or meat market. What is…
Butchers Vs Supermarkets – Which is better?
When deciding on whether you should buy your meat from an independent butcher, or a supermarket, there are several things you will need to consider that will help you decide. Everyone has different needs and expectations when it comes to buying meat, and once you have decided what is the most important to you, the answer to this question should become clearer. The main factors to consider when trying to decide, are based on the following: This article will now look at each of these point in more detail, and explain how they may affect you decision making. Price of Meat Probably the most important consideration for many people buying…
21 Thrifty Meat Tips – Saving You Money on Meat
Meat is the highest part of the food budget in most households, and so money saving tips on buying meat cheaper are always welcome. Well, we have 21 tips that will help you do just that! 21 Thrifty Meat Buying Tips to Save You Money Buy cheaper cuts Buy bigger cuts and trim yourself Buy a whole animal Do the cutting yourself Buy in bulk with Family or Friends Ask for bones – butchers pay to have these taken away Learn what is trim and what is waste Look at $/kg Learn different cut names Add fillers like lentils/beans/oats/veggies Cut down meat portion size – 6oz steak instead of 8oz…
Pork Cuts Guide – Every Cut of Pork Explained
Over the years there has been a dramatic decline in the amount of independent butchers stores, meat markets and meat counters available to shoppers. These have been replaced with convenience packaged meat being sold in grocery store aisles, with no expert on hand to guide the shopper to buying the right cut of meat to suit their needs. This article will focus on explaining the different types of pork cuts most commonly sold, where they come from on the animal, and how best to cook them to ensure tender and tasty pork every time. So lets begin by looking at the whole side of a pig. The diagram below shows…
Tunnel and Butterfly Boning Meat – Everything You Need To Know!
When it comes to removing the bones from a piece of meat, there are generally two ways that it can be done. Tunnel boning and butterfly boning. So what is the difference between tunnel boning and butterfly boning meat? Tunnel boning is the removal of bones by cutting into the flesh of the meat as little as possible, thereby retaining the overall shape and structure of the meat. Butterfly boning involves cutting apart the muscles of the meat, exposing the bone for removal, and then further cutting the flesh to create an even thickness of meat. We will now look further into when and why, you may use one method…
What Does French Trimmed Meat Mean?
Some recipes call for your meat to be ‘french trimmed’, but you may not be sure what that means. This article will help explain what french trimming is and why it is done. So what does ‘French Trimmed’ mean when it comes to meat? French Trimmed is the term given to exposing the clean bone of a piece of meat for decoration purposes. Most commonly, racks of lamb and ribs of beef are French trimmed by removing all of the meat and fat from around, and between the ribs, to expose the clean rib bones. Sometimes a frilled paper ‘chef hat’ is placed over the end of the rib for…
Must Have Equipment for Home Butchery
If you are considering doing some basic home butchering on your own meat, then there are some essential tools of the trade that you will need. Depending on the type of meat you plan to cut up, and how much processing you wish to do, the list will change. However, to get started in the beginning, you can get by with just 5 basic items. So what are the basic essential tools needed for simple home butchery? To get started with home butchering, the following 5 tools are recommended. These will allow you to perfom many of the smaller butchery tasks you would be likely to want to attempt. A…
Why Using Rusk Makes Better Homemade Sausages
If you are a fan of sausages, you have probably thought about having a go at making your own. When researching different recipes, you may have come across many that call for the use of ‘Rusk’, and wondered what it is, and why you need it. So why is rusk used in homemade sausages? Rusk is a dried cereal based filler that has been ground into a pinhead, medium or course consistency. When added to sausages, the rusk absorbs liquid and binds the meat and fat together. It also holds in the natural juices and flavors during cooking, producing a moist and succulent sausage. Is Rusk The Same As Breadcrumbs?…
17 Different Meat Cuts From One Whole Pork Loin, Including Tenderloin!
The pork loin is one of the most versatile parts of the pig, offering 17 different cuts of meat that can be used for a variety of dishes. Here is a list of the different cuts the whole pork loin can be portioned into, providing endless recipe possibilities from just one part of the pig. Bone In Pork Rib Roast Bone In Centre Cut Loin Roast Bone In Chump Pork Roast Boneless Centre Cut Pork Roast Bone In Rib Chop Bone In Centre Cut Chop Bone In Country Style Chops Boneless Pork Ribeye Boneless Pork Loin Steaks Pork Escalopes Pork Kebobs Diced Pork Pork Tenderloin Pork Medallions Ground Pork Baby…